Friday, May 4, 2012

Welcome to My Blog!


Hello, and welcome to my blog!  This blog will be updated sporadically, as I either do some traveling or have thoughts about traveling that I'd like to share or document for myself.  My ultimate goal is to travel around the world for 8-12 months beginning in January 2021.  Why 2021, you ask?  I own a home that I cannot sell until April 2020 at the earliest (per loan agreements) and I plan on traveling the world with the money earned from selling my house.  Another part of this is that I have to wait for the housing market to (hopefully) swing back up to make a profit on the house.  I also turn 40 years old in 2021 and I can't think of a better way to celebrate!  I plan on only taking trips within the U.S. and Canada until the world trip due to lack of money to travel abroad, and I also am not a huge fan of long flights.  You won't find me hopping a plane to China tomorrow....I'm going to have many, many segments to my world trip and a large chunk of it will be via boat.  In upcoming posts you'll learn about some of my upcoming domestic trips and where I'd like to travel when I circumnavigate our beautiful planet.  My hope for this blog is that it will serve as a travel diary for me, as an inspiration to keep up with day-to-day tasks with such an exciting goal in my future, and maybe inspire others to travel either locally or internationally!

About Me

My name is Kristy, I am currently 31 years old, and I live in Orlando, FL.  I work a boring job while also earning my Masters in Mental Health Counseling, which I am very passionate about.  I don't graduate for many more years and it's been really hard working and going to school and having another part-time job, while still earning barely enough money to pay my bills.  I spend money that I shouldn't on traveling and an occasional clearance item at a clothing store (read: Express).  My trip around the world is a wonderfully motivating force in my life right now and helps me to think about the bigger picture when I'm writing a never-ending paper for class.  Another reason I want to travel is to learn about other cultures first-hand for when I begin my counseling practice.  It would benefit me and my clients greatly if I have actually experienced our multicultural world.  I'm also a photographer so you'll see lots of photos of the places I visit on my blog.

I have lived in Rochester, NY, New York City, and Los Angeles, but came back to Orlando after having lived here before Los Angeles.  I adore Orlando and absolutely love living here!  I walk out to my car smiling every morning because I am so happy and thankful. My favorite place to be though is Cape Cod in the summer.  I have most recently been inspired to travel because of Anthony Bourdain's TV show, No Reservations.  I love that he goes into the culture of the place he's visiting and can deeply appreciate their lifestyle.  Viewers sometimes dislike his cynicism, but I think you just need a sense of humor to understand him.  I have had tears in my eyes more than once because of his genuine appreciation of culture.  When I tell people that I will travel the world in 2021, they don't believe me and think it's silly when I mention a date so far in the future.  I obviously don't care what other people think.  I haven't gotten anything that I have in life by listening to naysayers.  I believe in myself.

Thoughts About Donations and Sponsorship

I will consider adding a way for readers to donate to my 'round-the-world trip if there seems to be interest, so please send me a message if you have thoughts on this.  I'm not sure how I feel about it yet, so input would be appreciated.  If the housing marking remains stagnant, I'll have no money to travel with because I live paycheck-to-paycheck.  If you find yourself enjoying reading my experiences and viewing my photos, perhaps you'd be driven to donate to the cause of supporting my dream.  Until then, I'll use AdSense to earn a few pennies.  ;-)

I am definitely open to having my travels sponsored by companies looking for exposure.  If you or your company are looking for sponsorship opportunities, please contact me.

In Closing...

I'm glad you found yourself here!  I hope you enjoy reading about my dreams which will translate into experiences.  Perhaps you'll be inspired like I have to learn as much as you can about our stunning, changing, fascinating world.

Orlando, FL in spring

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